Cheng Tan

Google & ASU

I am currently a software engineer at Google working on Edge TPU machine learning compiler. I am also faculty in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at ASU. I received my Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore (co-supervised by Prof. Tulika Mitra and Prof. Li-Shiuan Peh) and B.E. from Shandong University, both in Computer Science. I was employed by Microsoft, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Cornell University, working on Brainwave Machine Learning Accelerator/Compiler, HW/SW co-design, and Network-on-Chip, respectively. I have published papers as first author across all the top-tier architecture conferences. My research interests include:

  • Machine Learning Compilation
  • Many-Core Architecture
  • Hardware/Software Co-Design
  • Reconfigurable Accelerator
  • Network-on-Chip

I dedicate to democratizing domain-specific reconfigurable acceleration, aiming at a push-button solution towards compilation, architecture design, and synthesis. Most of my research works are open-source at Let me know if you are interested!


Selected Publications

Open-Source Projects

  • CGRA-Flow, an integrated framework for compilation, exploration, synthesis, and development of spatial accelerators.
  • CGRA-Mapper, an LLVM pass that generates CDFG and maps them onto a customizable CGRA.
  • MLIR-CGRA, MLIR dialects/passes to enable the efficient acceleration of ML models on CGRAs.
  • OpenCGRA, a CGRA framework for modeling, testing, and evaluating CGRAs.
  • VectorCGRA, an updated version of OpenCGRA, which supports customized/fusible vectorization in the tiles.
  • PyMTL3-net, a unified Network-on-Chip framework.
  • ARENA, an asynchronous data-centric programming model.
  • IoT-kernels, an IoT application benchmark suite.

Academic Service

  • Program Committee: HPCA’25/’24, MICRO’22, ICCAD’24/’23/’22/’21, ISPASS’25, CODES+ISSS’24/’23/’22, ICCD’23/’22/’21, RAW’24, CGRA4HPC’25/’24/’23/’22, CFW’24.
  • External Review Committee: ISCA’24, MICRO’24, HPCA’22, ASPLOS’22.
  • Artifact Evaluation Committee: PPOPP’21, MICRO’21.
  • Session Chair: MICRO’24, ICCAD’23/’22/’21, ICCD’21/’19, ISQED’24.
  • Journal Reviewer: CAL’25/’24, TC’22, TECS’23/’21, MicroSI’22/’21, TSUSC’21, TCAD’21, TPDS’23/’21/’20, TACO’23/’21, TNNLS’21/’20, TVLSI’25/’24/’23/’22/’21/’19, PARCO’21/’20, JSA’23, JCSC’24, SUSCOM’22.
  • Secondary Reviewer: IPDPS’22, MLBench’22, SC’21, LCTES’21, ICS’20, FPT’18, ICPADS’18, DAC’17, ISCA’17, CASES’16, MICRO’16.
  • Student Volunteer: ASP-DAC’14.


  • CS4223 Multi-Core Architectures, Teaching Assistant, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Fall’15.

Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Micro, 2022.
  • Outstanding Performance Award, PNNL, 2022
  • Best Paper Award, The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2021.
  • Outstanding Postdoc, PNNL, 2020.
  • Best Paper Nomination, ACM International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), 2016.
  • NUS Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore, 2013.
  • Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award, Shandong University, 2013.
  • National Scholarship, China, 2012.
  • Google Scholarship, Google, China, 2011.
  • The First Prize Scholarship, Shandong University, 2010.

